Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hot fun in the summertime

So clearly I have failed my goal of writing one post a week seeing as it's been a month since my last one. Whoops. Oh well, back at it!

It's hard to believe that summer is in full force. The 4th of July has already come and gone and I can already tell this month is going to fly by and we'll be staring August in the eye before we know it. They're already advertising Back to School supply sales! Umm, didn't school just end? I guess it's like seeing fully decorated Christmas trees next to the pumpkins in October. They just can't wait to start moving onto the next holiday.

We have definitely had a busy summer so far! We started with sending our boy to his first time at summer camp. He enjoyed three nights and days at Camp Spalding and he had such an amazing experience. It was clearly harder on me than him considering he gave me a quick hug and sent me out of the cabin so he could be "on his own." He had a great counselor named TJ who he hasn't stopped talking about since. His favorite cousin Ella was also there so they got to enjoy that time together!

Following summer camp, we got to enjoy another full week with my dear sister-in-law and two nieces while my nephew, Jaeden, had his week at Camp Spalding. Charlie and Scarlett are only two months apart, so we definitely have some adventures with those two. Lots of fighting and loving within minutes!

A couple days ago, I came down with a nasty summer cold. I don't know what it is about colds in the summer, but they are so much worse than in the winter. It started with a sore throat and headache, which then turned into a bad cough, which then turned into having barely a voice. Thankfully it has been tolerable so I have still been able to function, but I'm ready to feel like myself again! This also came on the few days that Eric had to work the super early shift so I had to find ways to keep these crazy boys entertained. I ended up at this amazing little park that is literally four blocks away from our house. It was just built last year and I cannot believe I hadn't been to it before yesterday! It was fantastic! The boys played in the water for hours and I just loved watching them enjoy the beautiful sunshine. 

Have I mentioned I absolutely love summer?