Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's been awhile!

So really? I haven't updated this blog since Charlie's birthday in November? It's funny - I find myself constantly sitting down to start typing and always seem to hit a wall. I guess when you have so much going on, it's almost too much to write about! So I guess for now I'll just highlight a few things that have happened since my last appearance around here.

  • We had a rough holiday season, but still managed to enjoy making it special for our boys.
  • I rang in the year 2011 asleep by 9:00 PM - definitely felt old this year.
  • We had an amazing two week vacation to Orlando in January. Jackson was blown away by the Disney magic.
  • We celebrated Jackson's fifth birthday on February 20th. I still can't believe he's five - how did that happen?
  • Charlie started walking in February. He's become such a little boy overnight.
  • We were thrilled to find out that Eric's sister is pregnant and due in October! I am so excited to have another niece or nephew to love and spoil.
  • Eric was offered a new job that will bring so much more stability into our lives. We are very much looking forward to this new journey.

I'm sure there is so much more, but my mind is drawing a blank. It feels like the last four months have flown by at warp speed. But at least I'm back, right?!?


  1. Aaaaaand, she's back! :) Yay!

  2. Sooooo glad you are back! I have so missed reading your blog :O)

  3. Thanks guys! It feels good to be back. I never realize how much I miss blogging until I start doing it again. ;)
