So I've taken a few days to sit back and think about where I wanted to start this blog. Do I want to begin with explaining my history over the last few years, or do I just jump in with where we're at in life right now? Here goes:
I'm married to an absolutely incredible man named Eric. We've been married since December 4, 2004. It's so hard for me to believe that it's already been five years. There is no doubt that we have definitely had our struggles, especially over the last two years. I really feel like we have been facing so many trials in our marriage. There have been a couple very serious times that I was fairly sure our marriage was over. I can't believe I'm sharing this so openly, but this blog is about opening myself and releasing everything in my mind. Anyways, Eric and I.... I believe there have been many times that we have both questioned whether we were even meant to be together. But you know what? Through everything we have been through, I know with all my heart that he is the man I am destined to share this life with. I have never known someone with such a deep soul and caring heart. His main goal in life is being a good husband to me and a good father to our boys. What more could I possibly ask for? I believe he is in a very dark part of his life right now and I pray every day that I can help him through it and he can see the brightness in life again. I love him so.

Together we have created two beautiful boys, Jackson and Charlie. Somehow I always imagined I would be a mommy to boys.... I can't picture my life any other way. They are such beautiful souls, my special angels.
Jackson William: We welcomed our first son into the world on February 20, 2006. It was Presidents' Day at 9:48 PM when I heard his first scream fill the room. I will never forget that moment and knew my life was forever changed.
Jackson has brought so much joy into our lives. It's unbelievable to me that he will be four years old this Saturday. It feels like he was born just yesterday and now I look at him and see this amazing, handsome, smart little boy. He's got such a bright spirit and brings a smile to my face at least a thousand times a day. I pray every day that God blesses him with happiness, peace, and love in his life. He will always be my special little man who officially made me a Mommy.
Charlie Patrick: Our second precious little guy joined our family on November 25, 2009. He was born just eleven minutes before my 28th birthday and what a special birthday present he was. He truly has changed my life even more than I thought possible. I feel like the moment we brought him home truly made us a family. Eric and I still relish in the words, "our boys". He is such a fantastic little baby boy. Staring into his eyes and seeing that gummy smile can actually erase any bad moments going on. These first three months have flown by in a flash. I find myself wishing daily that time would slow down a little since I know this time with him as a baby is so brief and precious. I'm so blessed to have him for my son.

I still have a hard time grasping that I'm now 28, married, and the mother to two wonderful boys. The last ten years have absolutely flown by. I still feel like I'm 18 and still in high school. Now my ten year high school reunion is quickly approaching and I can't understand where the time has gone. But I wouldn't change my life for anything. God has truly blessed me with the most amazing family. Sometimes I just sit back and watch Eric cuddling with both kids and I just want to cry because it's such a beautiful thing to see.
Life has given me an incredible ride so far and I can't wait to see what happens next.