Well my son, today is your fourth birthday. I have to admit that so far, this has been the best birthday I have spent with you. I opened my eyes this morning to see you standing by my bed with the brightest smile on your face. You snuggled up with me while I quietly sang "Happy Birthday" to you so we didn't wake up Charlie who was sleeping in his swing. You let me cover your face with kisses and kept announcing that you were finally four. No longer three, but four. You were so very proud.
I have spent many moments today reflecting on the day you were born. It truly feels like yesterday. I can still feel you moving around inside my tummy, yet here you are running around and telling clever stories. How have you grown so quickly? The first moment I laid my eyes on you changed my life. I knew I would never be the same and my life has been better because of you.

This last year has brought some tremendous changes in you. You started preschool in September and I have seen such growth on so many levels since. You have learned how to trace your name, recognize numbers, and your social skills have absolutely exploded. You have truly become such an amazing little man. When I pick you up from school, I love watching you run around and play with your best buddies. Damian and Grace have become your closest friends and it's so fun to see. I love receiving all of your fantastic art projects. We have a special box to store every single one of them. It has filled up very quickly!
How can I even begin to describe how much joy you bring to my life? Every moment is an adventure and I treasure the time I get to spend with you. There is no doubt that you are strong willed, which can be a challenge sometimes. But I know that in the future it will be a very positive personality trait. You are one of the sweetest little boys I have ever seen and I still can't believe you're mine. You're my little boy. God has truly blessed me for allowing me to be your mother.
I love you, my special boy. Happy Birthday and I can't wait to experience the next year with you.
Love you always,

this was so sweet i started to cry ... i remember that little guy being headstrong before he was even born :) he is a bit like his guncle michael ... headstrong but with a heart of gold :)