It wasn't until I was feeding him this morning after he woke that I had a revelation. He was staring into my eyes while eating and I paused to reflect on the fact that he is growing so fast. He will be six months next week and I can't fathom how so much time has already passed. He went from being a blob in my arms to this active, alert baby. Before I know it, he'll be cruising around the house, eating regular food, and ultimately sleeping through the night. As much as I'll adore getting a full night of sleep again, I will miss nursing him. I will miss this closeness I share with him in those dark, quiet nights.
When they say to enjoy every moment because it goes so fast, they weren't kidding. It seems that time goes faster with each day. I think it's because as moms, we're so focused on getting through each day, we forget to just pause and reflect. Sleep can be replaced... this short amount of time with my little boys can't. I need to remember to stop sometimes and savor these days when my babies are just that - babies.

What a photo!! Its tooo precious!